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About Luna Yoga

I have been a recognised Yoga instructor in Scotland since 2019. I practiced for about 15 years before I decided to embark on my teacher training. I have done all my qualifications at YogaJo’s in Milngavie, a Yoga Alliance certified teacher training school (my yoga home). I studied for my initial 200hr hatha raja teacher training over the course of a year, in person, a very intensive year of training with an anatomy course alongside it, I went on to do my 100hr meditation faciliation training over a period of 6 months after, I have now completed a 50 hour yin yoga course which took place over 3 months and am now looking to what I can do next! I found my passion and will never bore of learning about yoga and it’s different forms.


Yoga gave me the confidence to believe that I can achieve what I dream if I focus enough and am passionate enough about it, everyone has a passion, believe in yourself and your dreams will come true! 

About my classes...


Rise & Shine


An awakening hatha flow, designed to awaken your mind and body. In hatha yoga we combine breath and movement together, this could be holding a position for 5 breaths or holding for an inhale and moving to the next position on the exhale. Great for improving flexibility and core strength.

Hatha yoga - align & adjust 


A new class where we will be focussing on correct alignment, adjustments and modifications tailored to suit your body. Holding positions for slightly longer to make sure you are in the correct position. We will also work on standing balances and work towards hand balances. This class is suitable for beginners, there are modifications to suit every body and this class will give us time to find out what works best for you.

Vinyasa Flow


This class can range from slow and relaxing to more energetic and core strengthening. We flow with the energy of the moon, a grounding practice around a full moon (no balancing more yin like), bringing a bit more energy in for a waxing crescent etc, without being aware we are all affected by the moon. All classes suitable for beginners.

Yin yoga & meditation


A lovely, relaxing class, beginning with breathing exercises, teaching you how to connect to your parasympathetic nervous system, a great tool to learn how to reduce stress and anxiety, followed by yin yoga, either seated, lying or kneeling positions, using cushions to get comfortable and then holding the position for 1-5 minutes (releasing fascia, improving joint mobility, increasing circulation), and we finish with a guided visualisation meditation or a yoga nidra (15 minutes of yoga nidra is the equivalent of 2 hours deep rest).

"The yoga pose is not the goal. Becoming flexible is not the goal. Standing on your hands is not the goal. The goal is serenity. Balance. Truly finding peace in your own skin"

Rachel Brathen


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